Home page The EPI association
Informatics in Public Schools

     The EPI association (Informatics in Public Sector Education) was founded in 1971. Since that date it has incessantly been promoting computing, information and communication technologies as a whole as a means for more progress and democratic balance, for reinforcing the sharing of ideas amongst a variety of communities of practicians and academics.

     Through the years 1971 to 2001 the association published a paper magazine which had a great impact on the diffusion of ideas in the domain of pedagogical computing -today referred to as NTIC- as well as in the domain of information and informal training of teachers. The whole of the articles published from 1985 until 2001 (more than 1,700 items) was reissued as a CD-Rom "15 Years of the EPI Magazine Issues", which is to be seen as a collective memory of the uses, practices and experimentations related to that period.

     The EPI publishing activity still gœs on on its web site, its electronic magazine is entitled (EpiNet). Navigate on the site through the menus: « Articles », « Reviews », « Links », « CS and ICT teaching », « Reports and documents », « CS in French education: a historical perspective », « FOSS »...

     Today that historical corpus has migrated to the EduTice archives, enabling a larger public to access the magazine past issues. Moreover, because of their scientific value, most of the articles based on research studies have been the object of a specific indexation process : « The EPI magazine », « Hypermedia and learning », « Integrating CS in education », « French speaking colloquiums on the teaching of computer science »...

     The présidents of EPI : Massard (1971-1972),Pierre Muller (1972-1979), Michel Julian (1979-1982), Émilen Pélisset (1982-1988), Roland Ramis (1988-1990), Jacques Lucy (1990-1994), Jacques Baudé (1994-1995), Jean-Bernard Viaud (1995-2007), Jean-Pierre Archambault (2007-...).

     EPI members of honour : Serge Abiteboul (Professeur au Collège de France 2012, Académie des Sciences, INRIA), Gérard Berry (Professeur au Collège de France, Académie des Sciences, INRIA) et Maurice Nivat (Académie des Sciences).

The EPI national board of administration


     For a wider panorama, the EPI association offers a thorough bibliography of the articles and documents published in its bulletin, then magazine, from 1985 till 2001 as well as an authors index and a list of keywords.

Home page Bibliography Authors Keywords Summaries of
EPI magazine